Transphobia: The Root of Radical Feminists’ Problem with Trans Women

The journey towards emancipation and equality guided by a transgender woman (DALL-E)
The journey towards emancipation and equality, guided by a transgender woman (DALL-E)

The German old-school feminist and leading figure Alice Schwarzer is known for her controversial public broadsides against transgender individuals. Under the guise of a “Trans Trend” or a “Trans Ideology” and the dangers she perceives in them, she covers transgender people with all sorts of unflattering public confrontations.

English Tip: In English usage, Alice Schwarzer would actually be the epitome of a ‘vixen’ in the sense of a quarrelsome woman.

Courted by shady figures from the circle of so-called “Putin sympathizers,” such as the notoriously short-sighted Swiss right-wing populist and publicist Roger Köppel with his entourage, Alice Schwarzer has well-connected right-wing platforms to spread her broadsides: “A person remains biologically female or male for life, even if they take hormones, even if a woman has her breasts amputated, the genitals mutilated…,” she is quoted by Köppel’s “Weltwoche” (in the article “End of Woman and Man: Basel-Stadt Wants to Remove Gender Definition” from April 15, 2023, by Thomas Renggli).

Joanne Rowling: No Menstruation, No Woman

The British author and leading figure Joanne Rowling (J.K. Rowling) has also publicly expressed disdain, particularly towards trans women. This disdain manifested in the debate she unworthily sparked about menstruation as a hallmark of true femininity. Thus, trans women must lack this due to the absence of menstruation.

The fact that there are medical situations where cisgender women (referred to as “bio-women” for the target audience of this article) do not have (and sometimes never had) menstruation seems to have escaped Rowling. That there are bio-women who do not have a uterus also seems to be absent from her awareness (no wonder: Rowling is a fantasy artist, not a doctor). But what the heck, in the end, they all just point to the chromosomal determination of gender, right?

Oh well? With her insinuating comment on menstruation, Rowling not only denies all trans women their femininity but also all other women who either do not have uterus or for other reasons do not have or have irregular menstruation. That’s that.

Origin of Radical Feminist Scorn Against Trans Women

Where does this scorn against transgender individuals, especially against trans women, come from? Generally, these kind of things often stem from a lack of sexual satisfaction. Sigmund Freud also located a “penis envy” in women. What the case may be with ROWling and the vixen Schwarzer, however, remains to be seen. More likely, it is envy of the abilities of trans women and wounded pride that so incite radical feminists against trans women.

Interestingly, it is precisely the radical feminists who are most likely to deny trans women their womanhood. These are the feminists who would also be expected to emancipate themselves most vehemently to achieve as much independence from men as possible. In terms of this goal of every radical feminist, many trans women – as much as they are stuck in unwanted masculinity due to their chromosomes – have a psychological advantage, due to their attempted male socialization under the influence of testosterone.

Male socialization includes fighting, asserting oneself, being heard, to “make” (instead of to “bake”), and not least, to lead. These are skills that might go against the grain for some (trans) women or at least might not be intuitively available. At the same time, these are the foundations of emancipation from men.

The Envy of Radical Feminists as a No-Brainer

Trans women, who have been socialized as men under the influence of testosterone and, essentially, on a trial basis, have inevitably acquired completely different conflict behavior patterns, completely different strategies for getting through life than bio-women, many of whom learn from an early age in a patriarchally tinted society to be subordinate to men, to duck down, and to serve obediently. The emancipation, and perhaps also the struggle against patriarchy, comes for bio-women later in life, at a point when trans women, due to their earlier male socialization, already possess many strategies as a basis for emancipation: That here the envy of radical feminists must break through, is – a no-brainer.

It is the bio-woman who must emancipate herself from her patriarchy after years of being systematically made subordinate to men through her socialization as a woman. This can indeed make some feel a bit envious towards trans women… Envy and, given their own powerlessness in the face of the advantage of trans women, also wounded pride are thus plausible explanations for the scorn from the corner of radical feminists.

The statement by certain radical feminists that trans women are not women but men is incorrect. Surely, the observation that trans women are not bio-women is accurate. That’s why they are called transgender women and not cisgender. Another no-brainer.

Why Pay Taxes?

As a transgender individual you might question, why pay taxes? Do you want to finance daily defamation and discrimination of transgender individuals by your ‘community’?

In certain developing regions this consideration might apply to other LGBT individuals, and members of other social minorities, too.

In many places this consideration would also fit health care insurances. Why pay for health care insurance, if you anyway won’t receive the treatment and care you need as a transgender individual? Why pay health care insurance, if, at best, as a transgender individual seeking treatment you’d be virtually abused for human experimentation?

Why not just fight instead? Why pay taxes, why not fight?

“En Retard”

So there’s a new discussion about “biology,” you say? “A man is a man, and a woman is a woman, that’s just common sense,” as British prime minister Rishi Sunk put it in a vile speech?

In the context of their convention in 2023 the British Conservative Party is lamenting the “denial of biology” in “scientific research.”

Similarly, in the lead-up to the Swiss national elections in 2023, the right-wing Swiss People’s Party—known for its controversial and polarizing stances—is also criticizing  denial of biology.

Though neither party provides further detail, their assertions seem to relate to the medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria (coded as 302.85 in the DSM-5 as of 2013, and as HA60 in the ICD-11 as of 2021). There are no indications suggesting they would relate to anything else.

The statements from both parties leave room for interpretation, but one would primarily associate them with the phenomenon currently known as gender dysphoria. The original diagnosis was termed “transsexuality” in the DSM-3 as of 1980 and in the ICD-10 as of 1992.

Curiously, the diagnosis was recognized as early as 1977 in the ICD-9. It’s unclear why a contentious, more political than scientific, public debate over transsexual and transgender individuals is only erupting roughly 50 years after the initial medical recognition. Some people seem to be looking backward rather than forward—or “en retard,” as the French might say. Moreover, this phenomenon was known long before its official medical recognition.

(redacted with GPT-4)


Swiss Medical Professional Organisation Has (No) Problems With Transgender Individuals

The Swiss medical professional organization, FMH, is working to address specific issues in the medical treatment of transgender individuals. Yves Zenger from FMH’s Politics and Communication Department pointed to articles in the Swiss Medical Journal highlighting the need for specialized consultation hours and integrating gender identity knowledge into medical training. However, a trans individual, identified by the initials A.B., faced an inappropriate gendering issue from FMH’s base organization, VSAO. Despite providing no gender-specific information, A.B. was addressed with a male salutation by a VSAO representative. This incident demonstrates the challenges FMH faces in its dealings with transgender individuals. A question arises about how other national medical organizations in Europe might be faring better in this regard.

The professional organization “FMH” of the Swiss medical community appears to be striving to address specific problems in the medical treatment of transgender individuals. Yves Zenger from the FMH’s Department of Politics and Communication reported on May 23, 2023, in response to an inquiry made on May 22:

“Regarding the special needs of transgender individuals, we would like to point out two articles in the Swiss Medical Journal:

Swiss Medical Journal – Transgender people need their place in the healthcare system (

Swiss Medical Journal – The difficult path to self-discovery (

Certainly important are the special consultations, and given the societal sensitization towards gender identity, also the integration of relevant medical knowledge into the education, further education, and professional training of the corresponding disciplines, as well as the references to generally accessible platforms and information centers such as… .”

Meanwhile, A.B. (initials changed), who had inquired about complaint options regarding a medical treatment deemed problematic by two FMH specialists at the FMH base organization for assistant and senior physicians (VSAO) on May 18, 2023, received a response from the VSAO legal secretary and deputy managing director, Yvonne Stadler, on May 24, incorrectly addressed as “Sir” (“Dear Sir…”):

“Apart from the fact that I was treated with the diagnosis HA60 ICD-11 (Gender Dysphoria), I made no mention of transitioning in my request. The details of the treatment contained no information that would indicate my gender. The only clue to my gender that the recipient of the request had was my first name. This is a distinctly feminine name that does not even exist in a masculine form, like ‘Paul’ to ‘Pauline’. How on earth Yvonne Stadler came to address me as ‘Dear Mr. …’ is something she might best know herself. However, her gaffe clearly shows the current state of affairs within the Swiss FMH in terms of handling transgender individuals.”

Are there perhaps some countries in Europe whose largest national medical organizations no longer make such mistakes?